Thomas Rackow

Research, Earth System Modelling, Ocean Modelling

Thomas joined ECMWF in 2021 as part of the nextGEMS project and also works on the Destination Earth Project since 2022. His background is in Applied Mathematics and Physics and his work at ECMWF focuses on the role of the ocean in model simulations of weather and climate.
Professional interests:
  • The role of different ocean formulations in coupled IFS simulations
  • Ocean-ice-atmosphere coupling and interactions
  • Mesoscale eddies and their impact on NWP
  • Running IFS across different hardware and HPCs
  • Science communication
Career background:

Ph.D., Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research/University of Bremen. Bremerhaven/Bremen, Germany (2015). Thesis on “An unstructured multi-resolution global climate model : coupling, mean state and climate variability”. PhD supervisor: Prof. Thomas Jung

Diploma in Industrial Mathematics (Technomathematik), University of Bremen. Bremen, Germany (2011). Final grade: With Distinction. Thesis on iceberg drift and decay modelling: "Modellierung der Eisbergdrift als Erweiterung eines Finite-Elemente- Meereis-Ozean-Modells" (supervised by Prof. Alfred Schmidt and Prof. Peter Lemke).

Professional Experience
  • Since 09/2021: Scientist, Research Department, Earth System Modelling Section, Numerical Methods Team, ECMWF
  • 01/2015–08/2021: PostDoc, Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, Germany
  • 11/2018: Visiting Researcher, European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, Reading, UK
  • 03/2014: Visiting Researcher, International Pacific Research Center (IPRC), University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii, US
External recognitions

nextGEMS Executive Board member and Early Career Representative